CV of Nichola Naylor
Principal Economist
Senior Infectious Disease Modeller (01/2021-Present) Public Health England Leading health economics research in relation to the UK Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy.
Research Fellow in Antimicrobial Resistance (08/2018-01/2021) London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Research focused on economically evaluating the impact of interventions to reduce antimicrobial use in livestock on human antimicrobial resistance and drug-resistant infections.
Research Assistant in Health Economics (02/2015 – 08/2018) Imperial College London & Public Health England
Health Economics Analyst (10/2013 – 02/2015) Sanofi Pasteur MSD
Honorary/ Visiting Positions
- Honorary Research Fellow (01/2020-01/2024) London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- Honorary Research Officer (08/2018 – 08/2021) Imperial College London
- Honorary Research Fellow (01/2016 – 10/2019) Public Health England
- Visiting Graduate Student (06/2016 – 10/2016) Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
- Health Economics Research Placement (07/2013-09/2013) UK Department of Health, Public Health Directorate
Grants & Awards
- Principal Investigator - To calculate the impact of Drug Resistant Infections on total healthcare systems (08/2020—10/2020) World Health Organisation
- Team member– Wellcome (Awarded - 04/2019) Data Reuse Prize Winners Project Co-lead - Daiwa Foundation (Participated - 08/2017 – 04/2018) DAIWA Foundation Grant
- Departmental Travel Award (Awarded – 2017) Imperial College London
PhD Clinical Medical Research (02/2015 - 06/2019) Imperial College London. Thesis entitled “The Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance: The Case of Escherichia coli.”
MSc International Health Policy (Health Economics) (09/2012 – 09/2013) The London School of Economics and Political Science. Master of Science with Merit.
BEconSc Economics (09/2009 – 07/2012) The University of Manchester. Second Class Upper Division Bachelor of Economic Science with Honours.
Policy Experience and Expert Reviewer/Committee Member
- Expert Steering Group Member (2021) – 7th Meeting of the Expert Steering Group on Antimicrobial Resistance in livestock and agriculture for the OECD
- Co-author (2021) – Chapter 2: Resilience: From policy responses to resilient policy systems, Global Food Policy Report 2021, International Food Policy Research Institute
- Expert Interviewee (2019) -Alana Dowling, Peter Border, 19 February, 2019, Reservoirs of Antimicrobial Resistance, UK Parliamentary Office, Research Briefing (POSTnote)
- External Expert Reviewer (2018-present) National Institute of Health Research HTA Programme
Teaching & Supervising
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (2018 – Present):
- Co-wrote and co-led R stream for Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation short course.
- Seminar leader for “Introduction to Health Economics” and “Economic Evaluation” MSc modules, 2018 - 2021.
- Supervised 2 MSc student summer thesis projects to completion.
University of Geneva Hospitals & Imperial College London (2017-2019):
- Faculty member of “International Course on Implementation in Infection Control”, leading on ‘considering the costs of programme implementation’ module.
Imperial College London (2016 – 2018):
- Tutor for Biomedical Science and Medicine undergraduate epidemiology tutorials.
- Student representative for Department of Medicine PhD Students, sitting in on the Department’s Higher Degrees Research Committee meetings.
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health (2016):
- Intern Teaching Assistant for RDS288: Medical Decision Making.
Talks & Online Materials
- I led the construction of a Website highlighting the potential R packages and resources available for health economists:
- I converted an Excel model into an R Shiny App calculating excess Quality-adjusted Life Years with excess COVID-19 deaths:
- Invited talk: “Estimating the Burden of Antibiotic Resistance and Evaluating Resistance-Related Interventions: Linkage of Data and Models” (October 2019) Saw See Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore
- Invited talk: “The Health Economics of Antimicrobial Resistance” (October 2016) Royal Veterinary College Global Health Symposium – Disaster!
- I organised and chaired an international workshop entitled “Antibiotic Resistance-related Intervention Impact Evaluation workshop”, which involved epidemiology, economics and policy stakeholders from the World Bank, the OECD, and different universities. This is available here: Workshop Youtube Link
- Economic Evaluations of Antibiotic Resistance Related Interventions (2019) LSHTM Week: Available here (at 48.51)
- I co-wrote this video explaining the work conducted in line with the Wellcome Data Reuse Prize: available here
Short Courses Taken
- Developing the SIR model (2020) – Imperial College London
- R Programming (2015) Coursera – John Hopkins University
- Analysing patient-level data using hospital episode statistics (HES) (2015) University of York
- Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (2014) University of Oxford
- R (Advanced): Citable code for health outcome data analysis available at -
- Rshiny (Intermediate): Rshiny being used to build flexible cost-benefit evaluation tool. Example of an App coded:
- Excel & VBA (Intermediate): Taught students health economic modelling in this software
Peer-reviewed Publications
Youssef, D.M., Wieland, B., Knight, G.M., Lines, J. and Naylor, N.R., 2021. The effectiveness of biosecurity interventions in reducing the transmission of bacteria from livestock to humans at the farm level: A systematic literature review. Zoonoses and public health.
Sweeney, S., Capeding, T.P.J., Eggo, R., Huda, M., Jit, M., Mudzengi, D., Naylor, N.R., Procter, S., Quaife, M., Serebryakova, L. and Torres-Rueda, S., 2021. Exploring equity in health and poverty impacts of control measures for SARS-CoV-2 in six countries. BMJ global health, 6(5), p.e005521.
Torres Rueda, S., Sweeney, S., Bozzani, F.M., Naylor, N., Baker, T., Pearson, C., Eggo, R.M., Procter, S.R., Davies, N.G., Quaife, M. and Kitson, N., 2021. Stark Choices: Exploring health sector costs of policy responses to COVID-19 in low-and middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health.
Naylor, N.R., Lines, J., Waage, J., Wieland, B. and Knight, G.M., 2020. Quantitatively evaluating the cross-sectoral and one health impact of interventions: A scoping review and case study of antimicrobial resistance. One Health, p.100194.
Naylor, N.R., Yamashita, K., Iwami, M., Kunisawa, S., Mizuno, S., Castro-Sánchez, E., Imanaka, Y., Ahmad, R. and Holmes, A., 2020. Code-Sharing in Cost-of-Illness Calculations: An Application to Antibiotic-Resistant Bloodstream Infections. Frontiers in Public Health, 8.
Leclerc, Q.J., Naylor, N.R., Aiken, A.M., Coll, F. and Knight, G.M., 2020. Feasibility of informing syndrome-level empiric antibiotic recommendations using publicly available antibiotic resistance datasets. Wellcome Open Research, 4(140), p.140.
Naylor NR, Pouwels KB, Hope R, Green N, Henderson KL, Knight GM, Atun R, Robotham JV, Deeny SR. (2019). The health and cost burden of antibiotic resistant and susceptible Escherichia coli bacteraemia in the English hospital setting: A national retrospective cohort study. PLoS One.
Charani, E., de Barra, E., Rawson, T.M., Gill, D., Gilchrist, M., Naylor, N.R. and Holmes, A.H., 2019. Antibiotic prescribing in general medical and surgical specialties: a prospective cohort study. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 8(1), p.151.
Smith, D.R.M., Pouwels, K.B., Hopkins, S., Naylor, N.R., Smieszek, T. and Robotham, J.V., 2019. Epidemiology and health-economic burden of urinary-catheter-associated infection in English NHS hospitals: a probabilistic modelling study. Journal of Hospital Infection, 103(1), pp.44-54.
Naylor, N. R., Silva, S., Kulasabanathan, K., Atun, R., Zhu, N., Knight, G. M., & Robotham, J. V. (2018). Methods for estimating the burden of antimicrobial resistance: A Systematic Literature Review. BMC Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control
Chatterjee, A., Modarai, M., Naylor, N.R., Boyd, S.E., Atun, R., Barlow, J., Holmes, A.H., Johnson, A. and Robotham, J.V., 2018. Quantifying drivers of antibiotic resistance in humans: a systematic review. The Lancet Infectious Diseases
Troughton, R., Birgand, G., Johnson, A.P., Naylor, N., Gharbi, M., Aylin, P., Hopkins, S., Jaffer, U. and Holmes, A., 2018. Mapping national surveillance of surgical site infections in England: needs and priorities. Journal of Hospital Infection, 100(4), pp.378-385.
Mizuno, S., Iwami, M., Kunisawa, S., Naylor, N., Yamashita, K., Kyratsis, Y., Meads, G., Otter, J.A., Holmes, A.H., Imanaka, Y. and Ahmad, R., 2018. Comparison of national strategies to reduce meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in Japan and England. Journal of Hospital Infection, 100(3), pp.280-298.
Naylor, N. R., Zhu, N., Hulscher, M., Holmes, A., Ahmad, R., & Robotham, J. V. (2017). Is Antimicrobial Stewardship Cost-Effective? A Narrative Review of the Evidence. Clinical Microbiology and Infection.
Naylor, N. R., Uchegbu, I., Chatterjee, A., & Robotham, J. V. (2017). Gambling with Antibiotics: A Novel Approach to Exploring Antibiotic Consumption Decision-Making. Public Health.
Vella, V., Aylin, P.P., Moore, L., King, A., Naylor, N.R., Birgand, G.J., Lishman, H. and Holmes, A., 2017. Bed utilisation and increased risk of Clostridium difficile infections in acute hospitals in England in 2013/2014. BMJ Qual Saf, 26(6), pp.460-465.
Naylor, N.R., Silva, S., Kulasabanathan, K., Atun, R., Zhu, N., Knight, G.M. and Robotham, J., 2016. Methods for estimating the burden of antimicrobial resistance: a systematic literature review protocol. Systematic reviews, 5(1), p.187.
In-Submission Papers currently available on Pre-Print Servers
Pearson, C.A., Bozzani, F., Procter, S.R., Davies, N.G., Huda, M., Jensen, H.T., Keogh-Brown, M., Khalid, M., Sweeney, S., Torres-Rueda, S., CHiL COVID-19 Working Group, CMMID COVID-19 Working Group, Vassall, A. and Jit, M. and Eggo, R.M., 2021. Health impact and cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in Sindh Province, Pakistan. medRxiv 2021.02.24.21252338; doi:
Book Chapters & Policy Reports
McDermott, J., Resnick, D. and Naylor, N., 2021. Resilience: From policy responses to resilient policy systems. IFPRI book chapters, pp.24-35.